Member Update: April 2023

06903 Magazine - Spring 2014
06903 Magazine - Spring 2014

In this issue:

New Rep in the 20th District

Carl Weinberg Has Joined Stamford’s Board of Reps

Attention folks in Stamford 20th District: Carl Weinberg has joined Ashley Ley as one of your representatives on Stamford’s Board of Reps.

NOTE: If you’re not sure about your district number, see next item…

You’d be forgiven for not knowing exactly what the Stamford Board of Reps does, so here’s a description from their website:

The Board of Representatives has the following powers, among others:

  • Enact ordinances for the government of the city, for the preservation of good order, peace and health, for the welfare and safety of its inhabitants and the protection and security of their property (legislative process);
  • Adopt the submitted capital and operating budgets of the City, the WPCA, and the Board of Education (budget process);
  • Approve submitted supplemental capital and operating budget requests (fiscal process); 
  • Fill vacancies in elected offices (Mayor, Town Clerk, Board of Finance, Board of Education, Board of Representatives, and Constables); Approve the appointment of City Directors, the Director of Health, the Police Chief and the Fire and Rescue Chief; Approve appointments submitted by the Mayor of members to boards, authorities and commissions; (appointments process);
  • Establish fees charged by the City (fees process);
  • Approve all City personnel contracts; Reject negotiated and/or arbitrated labor contracts (labor contract process);
  • Approve large/multi-year contracts obtained as negotiated proposals;
  • Approve leases, sales, and purchases of City owned property.
  • The Board does not have the power to initiate, restore, or otherwise increase either capital or operating spending proposals. All fiscal expenditures (budget or supplemental) must be submitted by the Mayor (or appropriate agency) and approved by the Board of Finance. The State government also reserves powers over certain matters. For instance, the State has authority over moving traffic regulations and fines.

Find Your District Numbers and Reps

Given the impact that City and State government activities have on the quality of life in North Stamford and the character of our neighborhoods (see examples in last month’s member update), it’s important to know your representatives in government – and to let them know what you think about pending legislation at the State and City level.

Find your representatives using your street address:

Leaf Blowers on the Agenda: Ordinance Would Limit Hours of Use

Update on a story from January

The Stamford Board of Reps Legislative & Rules Committee met on April 25th and approved for public hearing an ordinance limiting the hours of use for leaf blowers, so it looks like the changes are moving forward.

For more information:

Ferguson Library: Donate Books
Saturday, May 6, Noon – 3PM

Collectible Sale This Weekend!
Harry Bennet Branch, 115 Vine Road
Saturday 10-4 & Sunday 11-3

From the Friends of the Ferguson Library:

Our next special Harry Bennett Friends book donation day is Saturday, May 6, from 12 to 3p.m. You can leave up to two grocery size bags or two banker boxes of books. Donation receipts will be available. As usual, you can also drop off books at the loading dock behind the Main Library. (Enter parking lot on Spring Street and proceed to back of the library.)

Your donations not only stock our shelves, but also help raise money for the library to support literacy and make quality book ownership accessible to all individuals and families of our diverse community.

Also, mark your calendars for upcoming bookshop sales: the Collectible Sale on Saturday April 29, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday, April 30, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Harry Bennett Branch auditorium, and the Bag Sale on Bedford, (part of the Bedford Street Arts and Crafts festival) on Saturday, June 10, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Recent Property Transfers

Selected home sales in North Stamford, as reported by the Stamford Town Clerk: